Netflix, Narcos S2

Netflix, Narcos S2

CLient: Netflix, Narcos S2
idea: Spanish Lessons 

Pablo Escobar: drug lord, crime boss, linguist.

When some tweeting fans pointed out that Narcos is pretty much free Spanish lessons, it gave us an idea to promote Season 2 of the show. Characters gave a brief Spanish lesson,
teaching fans the phrases you don’t exactly learn in grammar school.

The internet was asking for it. We only pushed the content and waited for them to get hooked.

case study

Netflix, Narcos S2

Netflix, Narcos S2

CLient: Netflix, Narcos S2
idea: Episode LEak 

We took advantage of Narcos' existence somewhere between historical nonfiction and narrative television, to find perhaps the perfect use for Facebook Live. Episode Leak it’s a fun, wink-wink way to tease the launch of Narcos Season 2 that got fans to ponder, once again,
the show’s ever-present question

“Plata o Plomo?”

case study



